Available Guards

Asset Payment

This Guard is currently only available on devnet. Follow us on twitter to see when it's merged to mainnet!


The Asset Payment guard allows minting by charging the payer a Core Asset from a specified Asset collection. The Asset will be transferred to a predefined destination.

If the payer does not own an Asset from the required collection, minting will fail.

To have the minter pay more than one Asset the Asset Payment Multi Guard can be used.

Guard Settings

The Asset Payment guard contains the following settings:

  • Required Collection: The mint address of the required Collection. The Asset we use to pay with must be part of this collection.
  • Destination: The address of the wallet that will receive all Assets.

Set up a Candy Machine using the Asset Payment Guard

create(umi, {
  // ...
  guards: {
    assetPayment: some({
      requiredCollection: requiredCollection.publicKey,
      destination: umi.identity.publicKey,

API References: create, AssetPayment

Mint Settings

The Asset Payment guard contains the following Mint Settings:

  • Asset Adress: The address of the Asset to pay with. This must be part of the required collection and must belong to the minter.
  • Collection Address: The Address of the Collection that is used for payment.
  • Destination: The address of the wallet that will receive all Assets.

Note that, if you’re planning on constructing instructions without the help of our SDKs, you will need to provide these Mint Settings and more as a combination of instruction arguments and remaining accounts. See the Core Candy Guard’s program documentation for more details.

Set up a Candy Machine using the Asset Payment Guard

You may pass the Mint Settings of the Asset Payment guard using the mintArgs argument like so.

mintV1(umi, {
  // ...
  mintArgs: {
    assetPayment: some({
      requiredCollection: publicKey(requiredCollection),
      asset: assetToSend.publicKey,

API References: mintV1, AssetPaymentMintArgs

Route Instruction

The Asset Payment guard does not support the route instruction.

Asset Burn Multi