

The config command allows you manage your Candy Machine configuration. By default, Sugar looks for a config.json file in the current directory to load the Candy Machine configuration – the configuration file name can be specified with a -c or --config option on every command that requires it.

You can either create this file manually, following these instructions, or use the config create command:

sugar config create

Executing the command starts an interactive process consisting in a sequence of prompts to gather information about all configuration options. At the end of it, a configuration file is saved (default to config.json) or its content is displayed on screen. To specify a custom file name, use the option -c:

sugar config create -c my-config.json

Once your Candy Machine is deployed, any changes to the configuration file must be set to the Candy Machine account using the update sub-command:

sugar config update

You can update the Candu Machine authority (the public key that controls the Candy Machine) using the -n option:

sugar config update -n <NEW PUBLIC KEY>

You can also change the token standard of the assets minted through the Candy Machine by using the set sub-command. This command supports changing the type of asset to either NFTs or pNFTs using the -t option. It also allows you to specify a rule set for minted pNFTs.

sugar config set -t "pnft" --rule-set <PUBLIC KEY>